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Home » What's New » Rigid Lenses: Are You a Candidate?

Rigid Lenses: Are You a Candidate?


While soft contact lenses are more common, another less familiar brand of contact lens materials exists: gas permeable (GP) lenses, sometimes called oxygen permeable lenses.

Actually, RGP lenses involve more modern technology than soft contacts, and they are longer-lasting, offer better vision quality, and offer improved durability and deposit resistance. Additionally they can also be cheaper in the long run than soft lenses. Certainly, its best to first consult with your optometrist to determine if RGPs fit your lifestyle. Our optometry staff can help you figure out if GP lenses are right for you.

Since a GP is made of stiff material, it does a great job of retaining its form when you blink, which can provide crisper vision than the average soft lens. Furthermore RGPs are particularly durable. Though they will crack if stepped on, they don’t easily rip like soft lenses. Also, because they consist of substances that don't contain water, proteins and lipids from your tears won't stick to GPs as readily as they will to soft lenses. People that are extra fussy about vision quality will most likely choose RGPs.

The biggest disadvantage of RGPs is that they must be worn regularly to reach maximum comfort. Additionally, there are some who experience “spectacle blur” with hard lenses, which is when eyesight is unclear when the lenses are removed even while still wearing glasses. Although the effect is not permanent, it can require constant GP wear.

If you are considering RGP lenses, make sure to first speak to your optometrist to verify if you really are a suitable candidate. Who knows…hard lenses could be the perfect match for you!